Sapien Trace – Precipice

If it’s 80s synth funk you’re into then The Time pretty much has the full stop.  Mostly written between a super group collection of co-horts including Prince, the Revolution and Morris Day, The Time used synthesised funk-pop grooves to provide a fabric for funky guitar licks and multi part vocals.  They’re a tough act to try and out do which is where we must give kudos to Sapien Trace and their funky grooves in what starts off in tribute to The Time’s ‘Jungle love’ with it’s funky drumming  and powerful p-funk beginning.   Opening up into an electronic, 80s, funk jam complete with choppy rhythmic guitar, Precipice is a clear indication that the Tracer’s have not only studied all forms of The Purple One, but they’re trying to catch some of his magic.  As Precipice proves, even impersonating a great artist, if it’s done correctly, can bring good results.  Wait til they get to their New Power Generation phase.