Albert Hammond Jnr. Melodies on Hiatus

For trainspotting Strokes fans trying to use the lyrics from Hammond ‘s new album to check on his emotional state; don’t bother – the album’s heavily co-written.  But what might annoy the trainspotters is a blessing for everyone else as Melodies sees Jnr. return to the creative high of Yours to Keep.

Spanning 19 songs, Melodies soars as a drum-machine-driven piece of interesting indie pop.  Not perfect (Thoughtful distress and Libertude are particularly dreary) Melodies hits high marks when focused on more upbeat, pop, sounds; 100-99, Old Man and the standout Never Stop all blaze with summery, poppy, hooks and catchy melodies.  Hammond’s fifth solo album is a return to form and suggest his best work is with others.